Wiggle’s Story

Chapter 1, The Beginning

Wiggle is a special child born in a house at the top of Mount Oolong.  He lives at home with his mom and dad and younger brother, Jiggle.  His family is very close and they live together harmoniously.  Although he is loved by his parents and his brother, he always felt lonely because he looks different from his friends.  Wiggle has a lighter yellow/beige skin complexion while his friends have darker skin complexion and he never understood why.  As he looked around his family, he noticed that his younger brother Jiggle looks different as well.  Jiggle looks similar to Wiggle, but he has a slightly greener color.  Therefore, one day, Wiggle decided to ask his parents why.  

It turns out his friends are all from the tribe of Black Ti while Wiggle’s family is from the tribe of Melk Ti. While this explained the differences in skin complexion, it didn’t answer all of Wiggle’s questions.  He started wondering about the tribe of Melk Ti and his family’s ancestry.  What are they like?  Where do they live?  How many of them are there?  And how did his family end up in Mount Oolong?  He asked his parents, but they encouraged him to discover the answers for himself by traveling west to seek a man named Saint Boba.  Jiggle overheard the conversation and wanted to be a part of this adventure.  Therefore, Wiggle and Jiggle set out on a journey of discovery.    

Check back often to learn how the story of Wiggle and Jiggle unfolds.